Ahhh, Death Toilet. In a time of war, pandemic, economic collapse, and beyond- it's fun to talk about such a light-hearted franchise of movies that doesn't take itself that seriously. Despite the clear insanity and lack of thoughtful cinematic brilliance that'd cast any entry of the Death Toilet series as a 'legitimate' movie, it knows what it is, and doesn't take itself seriously. But if you've seen my last review, you already know my opinions on the campiness and lovable lack of brain that make these movies truly unique, so let's simply hop into my review and summary of the plot.
This franchise opens as ridiculously as ever. Vietnam veteran Brett Baxter returns home (home being a modern 21st century setting despite the conflict itself ending in the 1970s, but whatever), scarred by horrific escapades of PTSD and having learnt of his brother's passing. Getting his sibling's affairs in order at his house, he quickly realizes the toilet is possessed by a hostile demonic entity, likely the Arch-Tempter Satan Himself. After failing to combat it personally, he calls in a priest, everyone's favorite Father Dingleberry. Through a brutal struggle, they seemingly manage to destroy the spirit and save Baxter's toilet. However, the ending leaves the door open for sequels (a horrendous amount of them no doubt), as the toilet demon returns and seemingly murders Baxter.
No one ever accused the Death Toilet franchise of being a thought-provoking research unto the depths of humanity, and as I said in my first view of this franchise, it is plain dumb fun. Entire sections of the movie are overly long and likely deliberately awkward moments, such as Baxter shaving and the Toilet Satan making the same repetitive evil laugh over and over again. Like, it's Toilet Satan's only voice-line. The fight scenes are downright hilarious, as the climatic finale consists of a special effect that anyone could buy with strident ease, that being a flicker of flame, and Father Dingleberry screaming at it like a deranged madman. Frankly though, it's far more entertaining that a majority of the exorcism scenes we get in films such as the 'Conjuring', which are taking themselves far too seriously and repeating the same tired plots of demonic possession. Death Toilet at least makes the formula funny to watch, and there are even a few rare moments where the actors seem to display genuine emotion. Mostly though, they just seem to be having a blast filming this project of passion.
Dumb movies are a guilty pleasure I believe every filmgoer should indulge in, and Death Toilet is the perfect starting point should you decide to do so. There is a fine-line between being plain bad and being so bad it's good, and I think this franchise, at least the two movies (4 and 1 chronologically) that I've seen manage to hit this mark. Admittedly, the elongated scenes of needless dialogue (the scene with Baxter arguing about his toilet's defunct state with his plumber is probably the movie's weakest point) grow slightly irritating at times, but you receive excellent payoffs in the form of hilarious fight scenes and the actually funny dialogue scenes. The last in particular, between Dingleberry and Brett, was probably the character highlight of this movie.
Overall, I can't really say much about Death Toilet I haven't previously, but I'll continue reviewing these poopy jewels until the franchise reaches its final heat-death and explodes in a craptastic crescendo of tomfoolery. If you desire a simple movie to get away from all the chaos and madness of this world (and Lord knows there's enough of that to go around), give this movie and perhaps the wider franchise a watch. Relax, forget about your worries, and watch two lovable oafs work together to fight off demon toilets in the Holy Name of God! I rate this Ten Knives Slitting from Toilet Rims out of Ten.