In every generation, there always arises problems unique to that specific set of individuals, and the generation in question is remembered on how they decided to tackle those issues. In that case, the young adults of our day and age will likely be viewed with a heavy disdain for how they responded to perceived cultural issues, by those that come after, and the elderly generations. Americans are very distinct from the rest of the world in how we perceive issues, for better and for worse, arguably one can overtake the other. It seems today, the best means of handling something that even slightly displeases the overall societal, crowd-agreed norm is through relentlessly assaulting it through vapid media posts on Twitter. I won't deny how accessible this power has become, how excellent this feeling of righteous anger fueling your post must be. Back when technology was a far-off dream in some young innovator's mind, mobs had to gather in-person, grab pitchforks and knives and whatever else, and march forth to directly confront the individual or individuals they seemed to hold such a fierce grudge against. Today, the requirement for that's been all but decimated. All you must do is join a niche group on Twitter and wait for the celebrity or public figure or politician you have a staunch dislike against to make any caliber of mistake, whether it be accidental or intentional, and seize your glorious opportunity to strike. But there's a problem. Mobs never seem to work out.
The French Revolution is once such example. Peasants jettisoned into action by the uncaring neglect of their government and their noble sponsors slaughtered the perpetrators, eradicated their pedigrees and lineages at the guillotine, cheering all the while. For a time, this method seemed to work, as the culprits, thieves, and killers that transformed France into a decaying, unequal society seemed to be righteously punished. But the mob mentality didn't end because a few specific heads rolled. This disorganized crowd of cheering bystanders and rioters soon organized into deathsquads, attacking priests and clergy unaffiliated with the Central Church's innate corrupt, political authorities unaffiliated with or outright against the government's neglect for its own citizenry, and even public figures that sought to protect and aid peasants. Essentially, this mob transformed into what all mobs eventually become: The very thing it swore to destroy. A symbol of fear, terror, and oppression.
Certainly, online gatherings of righteous warriors who aim to destroy a career or livelihood aren't exactly the same as armed killers, but their actions are very well reminiscent, if not the direct descendant of such ideologies that overtook the Revolution's good intentions. Cancel Culture is dangerous, incredibly so. Most participants never take time to research what action led to such an uproar, and I'll bet just as many have little to no knowledge on who they're actually cancelling. For them, the psychological high of participating in an overwhelming mob crashing down the gates of a perceived villain is enough. And sure, when the culprit is a proven criminal or destitute of that nature, it becomes a mere harmless spectacle to watch. After all, it wasn't Cancel-Culture adherents that brought down Harvey Weinstein, it was the brave woman who spoke against them and the legal teams that dismantled the mogul's litigation defense and brought him to justice. But it was still somewhat enjoyable, if not mildly amusing to watch hordes of randoms online decry his horrible actions, to truly emphasize just how destroyed his legacy was. But when the victim is someone who's story hasn't even been told yet, whose side of the narrative has yet to be revealed, and they end up being ultimately innocent or guilty of a harmless incident, that's when American society should draw the line and reign in Cancel Culture. Take Aziz Ansari, Kevin Hart, and John Krasinski for example. Cancel Culture is akin to a mad dog with rabies. It's amusing to watch it tear apart animals trying to impede on your property, but once its muzzle turns on you, it's time to put Old Yeller down. Those who so enthusiastically participate in such discussions and movements, this clearly politically-motivated, agenda-based, and thoughtless destruction of people's careers and livelihoods through mere online messaging, whether it be getting brands to drop certain individuals, bemoaning them for DARING to speak their own opinion, they serve the purpose of being amusing when the culprit does genuinely deserve such criticism and inflammatory treatment. But as always, they're merely a spectacle.
Cancel Culture's true believers are a very small percentage, that trick the majority of participants into believing they are fighting for a righteous, glorious cause to help change the world for better. To help purge all the villains that seek to pillage and rape and destroy, because that is their objective. The sad, washed-up journalist crowd that was once a respectable media cowers behind their loyal legions of brainwashed sycophants, salivating to blast upon anyone that disobeys the cultural identity. Unfortunately for Cancel Culture, there exist and have existed, and always will exist far more efficient means of making the world a better place. REAL activism, petitioning politicians, lawyers and the justice system, and slow but steady efforts to make the planet a cleaner and more safer place. Because while we'd all love and desire to live in the reality in which the world's problems can dissipate tomorrow, in which a higher power can bring us salvation instantaneously, that's sadly not possible. Until we move on from this life, it's our job as a collective society to improve, day-by-day. Washed up journalists and bloviating Twitter crowds that want instant gratification isn't the solution. It never will be. So until the day comes in which Cancel Culture has any resemblance of a positive effect on our world, it can remain the Mad Dog of American Culture, the crazed monster we keep around for amusement at times, but never more, lest we all end up participants of a doomed Revolution.